Everything You Wanted to Know About CLIPPING PATH

Clipping path is a widely used image editing technique that involves isolating an object or a portion of an image from its background. The process involves using a pen tool to draw a path around the desired object or area, effectively separating it from the rest of the image. The end result is a visually appealing, high-quality image that can be used for various purposes, including e-commerce, product photography, and advertising.

Why Use Clipping Path?

Clipping path is an essential tool for creating high-quality images for use in a variety of industries. Here are some of the key benefits of using clipping path in your image editing process:

  1. Isolate Objects: The main purpose of clipping path is to isolate an object or portion of an image from its background. This can be particularly useful when the object or area you want to focus on is surrounded by distracting elements or has a complex background that detracts from the subject.
  2. Create Transparent Backgrounds: By separating an object from its background, clipping path allows you to create transparent backgrounds for your images. This can be particularly useful when you want to place the object on a new background or overlay it onto another image.
  3. Enhance Product Photography: In the e-commerce industry, product photography is a crucial aspect of sales. By using clipping path to isolate the product from its background, you can ensure that the product is presented in the best possible light, making it more appealing to potential customers.
  4. Improve Image Quality: Clipping path can be used to improve the overall quality of an image. By isolating specific elements and adjusting their brightness, contrast, and saturation, you can create a visually stunning image that stands out from the rest.
  5. Save Time and Money: Using clipping path can save time and money in the long run. By automating the process of isolating objects and removing distracting elements, you can focus on other aspects of your image editing process, such as color correction and retouching.

The Clipping Path Process

The clipping path process typically involves using a pen tool to draw a path around the object or area you want to isolate. This path acts as a mask, separating the desired object or area from the rest of the image. Here is a step-by-step guide to the clipping path process:

  1. Select the Image: Choose an image that you want to edit and open it in your image editing software.
  2. Choose the Pen Tool: Select the pen tool from your software’s toolbox. The pen tool is used to draw the path that will isolate the object or area you want to focus on.
  3. Draw the Path: Use the pen tool to draw a path around the object or area you want to isolate. Be sure to follow the edges of the object as closely as possible, and make sure that the path is closed, meaning that the starting and ending points of the path are connected.
  4. Adjust the Path: If necessary, you can adjust the path to better fit the object or area you want to isolate. You can do this by adding or removing points, adjusting the shape of the path, or changing the direction of the path.
  5. Apply the Clipping Path: Once you have adjusted the path to your satisfaction, it’s time to apply the clipping path. This can typically be done by selecting the path and then clicking on a “clipping path” option in your software.
  6. Save the Image: Finally, save the newly clipped image and use it in your projects as needed.

Tips for Effective Clipping Path

  1. Practice Makes Perfect: As with any skill, the more you practice using the pen tool, the better you will become at creating accurate clipping paths. Take the time to practice on different images, and don’t be afraid to try different techniques to find what works best for you.
  2. Pay Attention to Details: When creating a clipping path, it’s important to pay close attention to the details of the object or area you want to isolate. Make sure to follow the edges of the object as closely as possible, and be mindful of any fine details, such as hair, fur, or feathers.
  3. Use Multiple Paths: In some cases, it may be necessary to use multiple paths to effectively isolate an object or area. This can be especially true for complex images with intricate details.
  4. Consider the Background: When creating a clipping path, it’s important to consider the background of the image. If the background is complex or distracting, it may be necessary to adjust the path accordingly to better isolate the object.
  5. Use Layers: Using layers in your image editing software can make the clipping path process much easier. By working with multiple layers, you can isolate specific elements of an image and adjust them individually, without affecting the rest of the image.
  6. Invest in Quality Software: Investing in quality image editing software can greatly improve the quality of your clipping paths. Look for software that offers a variety of tools, including a pen tool and multiple layer support, to help streamline your image editing process.


Clipping path is a versatile and powerful image editing technique that can be used to isolate objects and improve the overall quality of an image. By following these tips and practicing the process, you can create accurate and visually stunning images that are perfect for use in a variety of industries. So, whether you’re an e-commerce retailer looking to improve your product photography, or an advertiser looking to create eye-catching images, clipping path is a technique that you should definitely consider.