How to Make Stunning Images with Autumn Photo Effects
Saturday, 12 January 2019
It’s that time of year again! Fall is on us, and it’s time to put on your favorite hoodie or jumper, depending on where you live, and get out and shoot some autumn shots that will make your friends awe. What is an Autumn Shot? The Colors A certain type of light and color scheme
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Inspiration for Creating Perfect Christmas Photo Collage
Saturday, 12 January 2019
Incorporating all of your favorite Christmas photos into one collage tells your entire Christmas story in one glance. Christmas is such a hectic time a year that photographs can become unorganized; putting your photographs into themed collages allows you to put so many memories into one image. Christmas dinner is a large project that usually involves everyone in the
How to make three dimensional rectangular frames?
Tuesday, 08 January 2019
How does ai make a three-dimensional rectangular frame composed of lines? Ai wants to design a rectangular effect of a rectangular frame made by a line, how to make it? Here we take a look at the detailed tutorial, the friends you need can refer to
How to use the AI clipping path command and the scissors tool
Tuesday, 08 January 2019
Newcomers who have just contacted ai, don’t know where the scissors tool is; and how to use the scissors tool. Today, this tutorial is mainly to share the AI clipping path command and the use of the scissors tool to the friends of the script house. Let’s take a look. For closed paths, Illustrator CS5
What are the best photo editing tutorials?
Thursday, 19 July 2018
There are different photo editing tutorials. We searched the web and located the following satisfactory photo editing tutorials to cowl a spread of essential abilities. If you’re trying to learn greater about how to correctly use Photoshop for enhancing your photos – take a look at out the guides offered on Udemy. We notably suggest their
Top10 Photoshop Tips and Tricks for Beginners
Monday, 19 March 2018
Did you know 2016 marks 26 years since the miracle of Photoshop came into our lives. Even if you’ve never used the program, you can’t deny the impact that this photo-editing software has made on our lives. Afterall, the term Photoshop has become so integrated into our digital lives that we’ve even turned it into
How to remove the product background and pull out the product
Monday, 19 March 2018
Because Taobao can not see the physical products when shopping, buyers can only judge based on the pictures they see. Some sellers will not make the products look good because they will not perform image processing. For example, the background of the product is not good enough to render The quality of this product, so
Photoshop 3D tool – CS6 Extended incorporates a new 3D tools
Wednesday, 20 December 2017
Photoshop CS6 Extended incorporates a new 3D tools engine taps the power of your graphics card to deliver blazing fast performance. The Photoshop CS6 3D engine enables the user to import 3D objects in a wide variety of formats including OBJ, Collada DAE, Flash 3D and Google Earth 4 KMZ. In addition it enables the
Photoshop Type Tool User Guide
Wednesday, 20 December 2017
This tutorial explores the features and uses of Photoshop 5.5’s type tool. Photoshop 6 uses a different type tool which we shall cover in a future tutorial, though a lot of the techniques mentioned here will work in Photoshop 6. The type tool dialog box Select the type tool by clicking on the big
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